deep diver

the shine and the spark

Recently I’ve witnessed a shift in behaviours. I don’t know if it’s “simple” adulting or if the worries of finding your forever are closing down on us. It was always just to be all about the pretty girls. I would feel intimidated by the pure untouched faces, the blue eyes, and the automatic shine some girls would carry with them. But recently I don’t feel that anymore. I can tell that shine doesn’t win over sparks anymore. Even though the first initial reaction to shine is still attraction, it doesn’t take long until the shine wears off and the longingness of depth and character, radiating from inner natural sparks leads counterparts to change an interest. I feel comfortable in this shift. It’s our time now, the ones whose constant confrontation and comparison with shines and easiness of automatic attraction has led to characters that outsparkle anything less. Trust in this. The radiance transcended from the depth of you, will not be comparable anymore, to the one that is the forever yours.